Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec eros non ante faucibus ornare. Quisque enim ipsum, aliquet id vestibulum a, hendrerit interdum turpis. Aliquam metus nunc, vehicula et porta sed, mattis ac dui. Sed ac vestibulum urna. In porta vel tellus at condimentum. Nullam ac hendrerit elit, ut tempor mi. Nulla quis nulla sodales, elementum purus eu, aliquam nisl. Ut accumsan tellus ut orci lobortis aliquet. Praesent auctor ligula sed dui convallis ultrices. Cras et tincidunt libero, in vestibulum orci. Proin feugiat erat quis elit porttitor efficitur. Nullam ultricies convallis euismod. Donec tristique interdum urna non lobortis. Donec eleifend euismod turpis non fermentum.
Morbi eget ultrices diam. Donec gravida eget mi vel accumsan. Fusce tristique lorem ac consequat dapibus. Sed vel porttitor nunc. Duis ac nunc sed odio pharetra convallis. Nunc pellentesque volutpat suscipit. Nullam volutpat finibus dolor, id viverra orci porta in. Nunc in leo et nulla interdum eleifend. Ut quis tortor commodo, suscipit arcu non, semper velit. Sed est tortor, gravida pulvinar suscipit a, pretium quis nisl.
Using lessons from deploying national digital health systems, IDHN faculty and collaborators propose an enterprise architecture framework for national-scale IT solutions for comprehensive primary care.
Journal Article Research Health StackWe call for the inclusion of regulatory sandboxes in the nation’s digital health ecosystem, as successfully done in the fintech sector, to provide a real-world testing environment for mHealth solutions before deploying them at scale.
Journal Article Policy Research Implementation Research Innovation SandboxesSeptember 23, 2019
AI can help universalize healthcare but to roll this vision out globally, thoughtful reconnaissance is needed of what problems need solving, what data are needed to solve them and how best technology can be leveraged to collect these data.
Journal Article Policy Research Artificial IntelligenceIn a roadmap published in the Journal of Internet Medical Research, we proposed a federated, patient-centric, and application programming interface (API)–enabled health information ecosystem that enables the exchange of health information in conformity with India’s evolving data protection and privacy laws. Our proposed model has been adopted and implemented by policymakers in India — first by the NITI Aayog in its approach paper for the National Health Stack, and then by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in its National Digital Health Blueprint.
Journal Article Research Health StackNovember 25, 2016
We suggest that the proposed National eHealth Authority could usher a digital health revolution in India but that privacy laws need to be revisited to sufficiently protect nationapatients’ privacy
Newspaper Research Policy Health StackSeptember 21, 2016
In this submission to the Journal of Public Health, we describe the development of an inexpensive, tablet-based digital system for conducting disease surveillance and monitoring resource utilization at the Allahabad Kumbh Mela in India, a 55-day festival attended by over 70 million people.
Journal Article Research Health Technology Syndromic SurveillanceNews
April 12, 2019
On April 3rd 2019, IDHN convened over 40 stakeholders across public and private sector for a workshop in New Delhi to to present the early prototype of its work at the “Powering the PHR” conference, and learn from the several initiatives across the country that are building components of what may ultimately become India’s health-tech grid.
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